Chief Engineer

Материал из Space Station 13
Версия от 19:05, 23 октября 2020; DOBAKiN (обсуждение | вклад) (департамет в департамент)
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[[File:Generic ce.png|64px]]

Главный инженер

Доступ: Полный доступ в инженерном отсеке;
Начальство: Капитан
Обязанности: Надзор за техническим состоянием станции, руководство подчинёнными инженерами
Руководства: Цепочка командования, Взлом, Руководство по строительству, Руководство по продвинутому строительству, Руководство по электрификации, Сингулярность и Тесла, Суперматерия, Солнечные панели, Турбина, ТЭГ, Руководство по телекоммуникациям, Руководство по ядру антиматерии
Сложность: Не определена
Цитата: Отсутствует

Ваш департамент

Слышали о парнях которые все строят и чинят уже построенное? Что ж, у них есть начальник, и это вы! Возглавляя инженерный отдел, в который входят инженры и атмосферные техники, вам предстоит руководить сворой бездарей и следить чтобы эта штука не взорвала половину станции. Чтобы быть хорошим СЕ, нужно уметь настраивать телекоммы, понимать принцип работы APC, ячеек SMES, понимание принципов работы атмоса, солнечных панелей и так далее поэтому НЕ БЕРИТЕ эту должность если вы новичок!

Минимальные требования: Убедитесь, что в начале раунда есть хотя бы один действующий источник питания. Заблокируйте отсек телекоммов, готовьтесь восстанавливать бриг и медбей.

Advanced Hardsuit Helmet.png Главный бригадир

Для вас не станет открытием, что инженеры слишком ленивые чтобы работать, а атомсферные техники неспособны банально различать клапаны в своем отсеке. Поэтому вступая в игру будьте готовы шаг за шагом все настроить самому при этом объясняя все своим подчиненным. В лучшем случае они будут все знать и вам лишь останется заставить их работать.

Clipboard paper.png В начале смены

Поприветствуйте свою команду, убедитесь, что у каждого есть работа.

Отправьте кого-нибудь настраивать солнечные панели. Так же кто-то из ваших подчиненных должен заняться основным ядром (cуперматерия, сингулярность или тесла). Если вы возьмете на себя часть обязанностей то можно быть уверенным, что инженеры будут и дальше выполнять ваши приказы зная, что на вас можно положиться. Не разобщайте команду, будьте единым целым с ней.

Если один из ваших сотрудников явно новичок, окажите ему помощь и возможно закрепите за более опытным инженером. Если один из ваших сотрудников явный идиот, наорите на него и увольте если он не перестанет им быть.

Если кто-то из ваших сотрудников решит забить на обязанности и улететь в открытый космос - напомните ему, что по прибытию его ждет увольнение и арест. Ваши подчиненные все равно займутся бесполезными делами поэтому ваша задача заставить их сделать минимальную работу чтобы станция начала функционировать.

SMES Charging.gif Инженеры где свет?

Есть несколько способов запитать станцию. Если вы не знаете, что делаете, сначала придерживайтесь настройки по умолчанию и заставьте ее работать как можно скорее. Трудно установить второй источник энергии, если команда пытается линчевать вас за то, что вы не закончили первый.

Supermatter shard.png Matters of Super Matter

The Supermatter is the most likely candidate for your default power source. Its primary features are emitting tons of radiation, making everyone who could theoretically see it hallucinate, releasing hot oxygen and plasma, heating the air around, and either exploding or creating a Tesla/Singularity when you screw up. It begins inert but being hit by an object or projectile will activate it.

Gravitational Singularity Generator.png Power Your Station With A Black Hole

The Singularity Engine is the standard power source of PubbyStation and can otherwise be built with parts ordered from Cargo. It should go without saying that, since the singularity is essentially a black hole, it should stay inside of its containment field and not grow too big. Also, keep in mind that it pulses large amounts of radiation and EMPs, so always wear an engineering hardsuit or a radsuit when you're near it, and keep flashers and other sensitive electronics away from it (including cyborgs). Don't come near it in the atmospherics hardsuit, which had its radiation shielding stripped to make a place for thermal shielding.

Tesla gen.gif New Tesla Energy

Make Tesla proud and run alternating current power the station with giant balls of electricity! Lately, the Tesla Engine has been sneaking its way into more and more Nanotrasen space stations. Operating it is somewhat similar to the singularity engine, but instead of radiation, it will generate lightning bolts that must be captured with coils. Also, it won't deal any structural damage to the station if it escapes. Minus the exploding machines. And the blood and dust of former crewmembers all over the place. Keep it contained.

Solar tracker.png The Forgotten Power Source

Whilst the supermatter or singularity outputs a metric shit-ton of power, a hardened engineer like yourself knows that it's incredibly unreliable at the best of times. This is where the solars come in. Solars output a decent amount of energy and can keep the station running at a bare minimum whilst you inevitably sort out an issue with the supermatter, but they need setting up first! Luckily this is even easier than setting up the singulo and you can just designate one of your minions to go out and complete the task, better yet if they volunteer. Remember though, engineering has only two hardsuits (radiation protection but no fire protection), and atmospherics only one (fire protection but no radiation protection). No yellow-suit chump's getting his hands on YOUR pristine white hardsuit (which protects against both radiation AND fire). So get the AI's attention and tell it that the man is allowed in EVA to pick up some equipment. Or just do solars yourself, you lazy fuck.

Turbine computer.gif Fossil Fuel

Depending on the model of your space station, there might also be a turbine or thermo-electric generator installed. Both of these burn through plasma to generate energy, but they work differently so make sure you refer to the right guide when setting one up.

O2 Canister.png Atmosia, the Great City-State of Pipes

The supermatter is running, the solars are wired and the engineering team is at your beck and call. The station is getting a steady supply of power and you're confident your team can maintain this and repair any damage to the hull. Your job is done, right? NOT SO FAST, my friend! Haven't you forgotten atmospherics?

Yes, as hard as it is to accept, that convoluted bundle of pipes and its clueless staff are under your jurisdiction and it's your responsibility to make sure that it's keeping everybody breathing. As the CE, you are expected to know the basics of how atmos works, how to optimize it, and then how to keep people from fucking with it. Luckily, that's pretty much it. Again, read the guide and learn it.

All you really have to do with atmos is get acquainted with its staff (you can do this at round start along with your direct minions, as they share the engineering channel), make sure they know how to optimize it (if not, do it yourself - better yet teach them), and then check back in periodically to ensure some asshole hasn't tampered with it, slightly more if the atmos team is the usual band of drooling lunatics.

Please keep in mind that making Atmospherics sabotage-proof (for example by removing the plasma tank from the loop) before you have decent IC evidence that someone is going to sabotage it is considered meta-gaming.

Server.gif Telecommunications

It's your duty to make sure Telecommunications is working and to fix it if it doesn't. If you need help fixing or maintaining it use the Guide to Telecommunications.

Wrench.png ...Then What?

Now that the station's systems are running at maximum capacity or are in the process of being made so, you can relax a little. Here is what you should be doing:

  • Listen to the radio for hull breaches. When you hear of one, send a couple of Engineers out to mend the damage.
  • Check the Station Alert Console to see if there are any power/atmos alarms going off on the station.
  • Periodically check out atmospherics to make sure nobody's messed it up.
  • Talk to your team. Make sure solars are wired or in the process of being done.
  • Set up a tertiary or even quarternary source of power. If you want a challenge, try building a singularity engine that won't get loose as soon as you turn on the particle accelerator.
  • Experiment with the Supermatter to make it produce even more power!

Rev2.png Viva La Working Class!

As a Head of Staff, you are a prime target for the Revolutionaries, and will most likely be attacked in some way. While setting up the spare emitters, stealing the RCD and holing up in Engineering is a tempting possibility, it is in extremely bad form and will be met by negative karma and general hatred towards you. In short, do not barricade yourself in Engineering during a Revolutionary round. It makes rounds take way the hell too long, and may prompt non-revolutionary engineers to invade, especially if you start dicking around with the power supply.

Light Bulb.png Tips

  • Securing an RCD from the Engi-Vend is recommended for situations when you need to patch a hole fast (or tear down something fast).
  • As with all other Heads of Staff, your headset has a High Volume mode that when toggled on makes your speech much "louder" (larger text) than normal.
  • Your copy of the station blueprints can be used to create new areas, rename old ones, and view the layout of wires for different devices.
  • Your Advanced Magboots don't just stop you slipping into space, they stop you slipping in general when they're activated and don't slow you down while activated, unlike normal magboots.
  • All that is needed for telecoms is: receiver->mainframe->processor->mainframe->server->broadcaster. Just make sure everything is linked to each other properly and you won't need a hub. Mining and people on the DJ station are still fucked though without a hub.
  • Poly kills spiders in 2 to 3 seconds and can’t be hit by them (if you can get the bastard to attack them). Works on carps too!
  • CE’s hardsuit is fire- and radiationproof, and is said to have a built-in jetpack (to be used with an air tank on the suit storage slot).
  • You can scan pieces of paper with your PDA to add them to your PDA notes. Useful as a CE, just scan your monitor key and then hide it in the paper bin.
  • The message monitor console in telecoms can be used to read PDA messages, and forge them too! Go to the last option, to send a system administrator message, and change the name and title. (They don't have to be on the manifest, even.)
  • You can use the Engineering department's Techfab to produce new and advanced engineering items that Research and Development researches for you, such as more advanced tools like the ones you start with or even a sick Flightsuit!

Doubleagent.gif Law Abiding Engineer


As a Traitor Chief Engineer, you have a lot of options going forward, many more than most.

You have easy access to anything of any real importance on the station, with the added bonus of being regarded only slightly more important than the RD (in that at least your own department listens to you, most of the time). You have the ability to completely ruin the station by fucking with telecoms, subverting the AI with the circuit board in tech storage, sabotaging atmospherics and the engine, deconstructing anything rapidly, and you can still hide away safely in space with EVA gear. Remember that an extra-capacity oxygen tank filled to 1013kPa lasts a very, very, very long time. Have fun!

Командование Капитан, Глава персонала
Служба Безопасности Начальник Охраны, Офицер Службы Безопасности, Надзиратель, Детектив
Инженерия Главный Инженер, Инженер, Атмосферный Техник
Наука Руководитель Исследований, Ученый, Робототехник, Генетик
Медицина Главный Врач, Врач, Парамедик, Химик, Вирусолог
Сервис Уборщик, Бармен, Повар, Ботаник, Клоун, Мим, Капеллан, Куратор
Гражданские Квартирмейстер, Грузчик, Шахтер, Ассистент, Адвокат, Психолог, Заключенный
Не люди ИИ, Киборг, Позитронный Мозг, Дрон, Персональный ИИ, Конструкт, Призрак, Воображаемый Друг, Разделенная личность
Антагонисты Предатель, Еретик, Генокрад, Вампир, Неисправный ИИ, Ядерный Оперативник, Кровавый Культист, Часовой Культист, Революционер, Маг, Блоб, Похититель, Голопаразит, Ксеноморф, Паук, Свармеры, Восставший, Морф, Кошмар, Космический Ниндзя, Демон Бойни, Пират, Разумная Болезнь, Одержимый, Беглецы, Охотники, Космический Дракон, Элитные мобы, Разумная Слизь
Особые Представитель ЦК, Отряд Смерти, Команда Экстренного Реагирования, Хроно Легионер, Горец, Ян, Космическая Роль